Common Income Protection Exclusions
Although income protection insurance covers a variety of injuries and illnesses that prevent you from working, it doesn’t cover everything.
The success of making a claim for an injury or illness depends on the circumstances of the incident and the policies of your insurance provider. Because each insurer will have their own definitions and guidelines, it’s always best to compare life insurance plans from different providers to find the right plan for you.
Despite the differences in policies among insurers, you’ll often find the following to be among the most common exclusions for income protection:
Self-harm or Attempted Suicide
Most insurance providers will not cover any injuries, disabilities, or illnesses that are self-inflicted or the result of an attempted suicide. This is perhaps the one common exclusion that every insurer has for their income protection plans. You’ll find that engaging in any activity that deliberately harms your health and wellbeing is a standard exclusion for every insurance provider.
Acts of War
Aside from conditions stemming from war, this exclusion can also include injuries or disabilities resulting from participation in riots, civil unrests, and other similar events. This exclusion is typically held no matter if the war or related incidents were declared or not.
Influence of Alcohol
This refers to any impairment that results from the consumption of alcohol or any intoxicating liquor. This also includes accidents and disabilities from driving with a blood alcohol level that’s higher than the legal limit.
Influence or Misuse of Drugs
Like the exclusion for alcohol-related conditions, this clause refers to injuries, disabilities, or illnesses that are due to the misuse of drugs. Improper drug use is typically defined as any use other than the amount and method prescribed by a health professional or medical practitioner.
Normal Pregnancy and Childbirth
Many income protection plans have exclusions for the complications commonly associated with pregnancy. In addition to childbirth itself, income protection plans typically don’t cover pregnancy complications like morning sickness, bladder issues, and physical pain. Many insurers also exclude conditions resulting from IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) as well as miscarriage and pregnancy termination.
Criminal Acts
Any injury, disability, or illness resulting from criminal acts or participation in illegal activities are typically not covered.
Pre-existing Medical Conditions / Chronic Conditions
Some insurers place limitations and life insurance exclusions on issues arising from pre-existing medical conditions. This may include chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Such issues are typically covered by other forms of life insurance, and different insurance providers will have their own policies and guidelines for these issues.
Unemployment Exclusions
This includes exclusions for a variety of factors that relate to occupation-related unemployment. Unemployed periods for seasonal occupations, for example, typically aren’t covered by many income protection plans. Insurers also won’t cover self-administered unemployment and the end of fixed-term contracts.
Voluntary Elective Surgery or Treatment
Some insurers place exclusions on elective surgeries and treatments, or have a certain period from time of the commencement of a policy in which these will be excluded. These surgical procedures and treatments are classified as those which have been scheduled in advance and are not associated with a medical emergency. These may include any cosmetic surgeries, laser eye surgery, and sometimes lap band surgery.
Always Check the Details
No matter what income protection plan you get, make sure to understand its policies and read through its terms and conditions. As always, we recommend that you compare life insurance from different providers to find the one that fits what you’re looking for. Some insurers provide more flexibility than others, and it’s up to you to find the right one for your needs and budget.
If you need help comparing different plans and services for income protection insurance, simply contact us to find out how we can help. We’re the leading specialists for life insurance comparison Australia wide, and we may be able to assist you in finding the income protection you want.
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