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The Importance of Regular Health Checks
It can be hard finding time in our busy lives to take care of ourselves. Between keeping up with work, friends, family and our usual day-to-day tasks, it’s easy to forget about booking in regular checkups with our GP.
While it may seem that all is well, you never know if there may be an underlying health condition you’re unaware of. So by making sure you have a routine checkup, any health issues can be picked up on and treated before they become a bigger, more serious problem.
Let’s face it: your health is something you should never put off. It really is worthwhile making that effort to ensure you have a clean bill of health.
Read MoreLife Insurance + Super: How They Can Work Together For You
As an alternative to buying life insurance through a provider or adviser, many Australians choose instead to hold their insurance cover through their superannuation fund. While this is a viable option and can offer policyholders some great benefits, the majority of people simply accept this default cover without actually looking into whether it’s the right option for them.
In fact, according to CommInsure’s 2012 Life Insurance Survey, 65% of Australians settle for the default level of life insurance in their super funds – most likely because of its automatic inclusion.
Read MoreHow Much Does it Cost to Die in Australia?
With so many expenses to worry about in our day-to-day lives, the cost of death is usually the last thing on our minds. But it’s still a very important topic we all need to consider.
Death in Australia can be expensive and the cost your loved ones are likely to pay will vary greatly depending on a number of factors including how they died, how old they are and the financial situation they were in before passing away.
In this article, we’ll discover how much it costs to die in Australia and consider these costs compared to the price paid for life insurance policies.
Read More14 Reasons Your Life Insurance Application Was Denied
Have you confidently submitted all of your life insurance paperwork after going through the hassle of blood tests, medical exams and questionnaires, only to be hit with an application denial?
Insurance companies deny applications for many reasons, from pre-existing health concerns through to having a dangerous occupation or a hazardous recreational lifestyle.
However, many people who have their life insurance application rejected are left wondering where they went wrong.
If you’re unsure why you haven’t got the nod of approval, scroll through our list of the 14 most common reasons why insurers deny life insurance applications.
Read More4 Ways Life Insurance Can Make You a Better Person
Everybody knows the main reason you purchase life insurance is to provide a lump sum of money to maintain your family’s wellbeing when you die.
Many people don’t realise, however, the true extent of the good this payment can do, and the multitude of problems it can solve – both before and after you pass away.
Below are the top four ways that purchasing a life insurance policy can actually make you a better person.
Read MoreDoes Sleep Deprivation Cause Early Death?
Is your work, TV, or smartphone taking precedence over your shut-eye night after night?
Many people worry about their diet, exercise regime or alcohol consumption without considering at all how sleep deprivation affects their health. Not having enough sleep attacks the biological functions at the heart of physical and mental health. In fact, countless studies and reviews of these studies have all shown sleep deprivation lead to an early grave.
What is sleep deprivation doing to your body? How much sleep do really need? What are the signs that you're over-tired? How can you get better sleep? Read on to find out.
Read MoreDebunked: 7 Common Myths about Income Protection Insurance
For most people, their ability to earn an income is their greatest asset. And yet, while we don’t think twice about insuring our car or our house, Map My Plan’s 2015 Financial Fitness report shows that less than a quarter of working Australians are insuring their income.
The question is: why?
For the most part, it’s probably because they’re simply not aware of the facts about income protection insurance and the significant benefits it provides. But another, more alarming reason is the myriad of myths and misunderstandings surrounding this particular type of life insurance.
Read MoreThe 10 Questions You Should Be Asking Your Insurance Adviser
The decision to take out life insurance is a very important one, and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly or made on the spur of the moment. Whether you’re considering term life, income protection, TPD or trauma insurance, it’s essential that you talk to a professional and independent life insurance adviser beforehand to get a full understanding of your various options.
With a little bit of legwork and some expert advice, you can get the valuable peace of mind and financial protection you and your family deserve. Here are the 10 most important questions to ask your adviser to make sure that they – and the cover they can provide – is right for you:
Read MoreHow to Reduce Your Life Insurance Premiums
With so many providers, products, features and pricings on the market, it’s no wonder that many Australians question whether they can get a better deal on life insurance.
Chances are, you can get the life insurance products you want for less than you’re currently paying.
If you’ve repaid your mortgage, the kids have left home, you’ve got a healthy amount of savings tucked away or the dangerous past times you used to engage in have stopped, you may not need the same level of cover you once required.
Read MoreHow You Are Assessed When Applying for Life Insurance
If the thought of tackling a lengthy application process is putting you off applying for life insurance, we understand your struggle. It can be overwhelming if it’s your first time purchasing a life insurance policy. But there’s no need to stress; we’re here to help!
We want to explain the application and assessment process in simple terms. By giving you a better understanding of the processes in place, why they are there and what they achieve, we hope you will feel more confident about approaching us at Cover Australia for a life insurance quote.
Read MoreGet A Quote
If you would like a quote from one of our expert advisers, please provide your dtails below.