Life Expectancy Through the Ages
We had a look at life expectancy around the world as we know it today, but now we’d like to dig a little deeper and take a look at life expectancy through the ages.
It’s incredible to see the way in which modern medicine and living habits have altered the length of time that we are expected to live. In 17th Century England, the standard life expectancy was around 35 years. Now, life expectancy in Australia is 80.4 years for Caucasian men, and 84.5 years for Caucasian women. In Australia, we are currently one of the highest ranking in the world for life expectancy.
Read MoreTop 7 Reasons You Need Life Insurance
Many people are put off by life insurance, thinking it’s unnecessary and not worth the cost. But once you get past these common misconceptions, you’ll realise that it’s a valuable investment in many cases.
People get life insurance for several different reasons, but the following are some of the main reasons why life insurance is often an excellent investment:
Read MoreInsurance Inside Self-Managed Super Funds
There are several alternatives available to you when deciding who should be the owner of your policy. While self-ownership provides the most control, in some instances it may be appropriate to place the cover inside your superannuation fund or your self-managed super fund to access tax benefits or to alleviate pressure on cashflow.
All trustees of an SMSF have a legal obligation to consider insurance for the funds members as part of the fu... Read More
What Does a Life Insurance Medical Involve?
Advertisements for "no medical" life insurance policies are hard to miss – you’ll notice them on billboards, the radio and daytime TV all year-round. People who are squeamish about visiting a GP can be tempted to opt for coverage that doesn’t require a medical examination. However, getting a life insurance policy that does require a medical may save you a lot of money in the long run, as no-examination policies often have higher premiums because they're considered riskier for insurers to provide. If you're deciding whether or not to apply for a policy that requires a visit to the doctor, read on. You'll quickly see that a life insurance medical examination isn't that scary, complicated or invasive! Read More
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