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Life Expectancy Through the Ages
We had a look at life expectancy around the world as we know it today, but now we’d like to dig a little deeper and take a look at life expectancy through the ages.
It’s incredible to see the way in which modern medicine and living habits have altered the length of time that we are expected to live. In 17th Century England, the standard life expectancy was around 35 years. Now, life expectancy in Australia is 80.4 years for Caucasian men, and 84.5 years for Caucasian women. In Australia, we are currently one of the highest ranking in the world for life expectancy.
Read MoreTop 7 Reasons You Need Life Insurance
Many people are put off by life insurance, thinking it’s unnecessary and not worth the cost. But once you get past these common misconceptions, you’ll realise that it’s a valuable investment in many cases.
People get life insurance for several different reasons, but the following are some of the main reasons why life insurance is often an excellent investment:
Read MoreInsurance Inside Self-Managed Super Funds
There are several alternatives available to you when deciding who should be the owner of your policy. While self-ownership provides the most control, in some instances it may be appropriate to place the cover inside your superannuation fund or your self-managed super fund to access tax benefits or to alleviate pressure on cashflow.
All trustees of an SMSF have a legal obligation to consider insurance for the funds members as part of the fu... Read More
What Does a Life Insurance Medical Involve?
Advertisements for "no medical" life insurance policies are hard to miss – you’ll notice them on billboards, the radio and daytime TV all year-round. People who are squeamish about visiting a GP can be tempted to opt for coverage that doesn’t require a medical examination. However, getting a life insurance policy that does require a medical may save you a lot of money in the long run, as no-examination policies often have higher premiums because they're considered riskier for insurers to provide. If you're deciding whether or not to apply for a policy that requires a visit to the doctor, read on. You'll quickly see that a life insurance medical examination isn't that scary, complicated or invasive! Read More
Is Income Protection Insurance Tax Deductible?
To understand if your income protection insurance premiums are tax-deductible, you need to know if your policy is held within your super fund and the specifics of what the policy covers. If your income protection premiums are deducted from your super contributions, then they are not personally tax deductible. However, as insurers receive a 15% tax rebate due to the premiums being a deductible expense to the fund, most insurers pass on this 15% saving to you if you pay your premiums annually as a rollover. Read More
Is Life Insurance Necessary While I’m Between Jobs?
Everyone, including those who are unemployed, need life insurance to protect their loved ones. Whether you’re employed or not, you have financial responsibilities that can’t be ignored. Life insurance is one of those responsibilities – and it’s actually more important for those out of work than those in work to maintain their policy. Below we’ve answered the most common life insurance questions those who find themselves out of work have. Read More
How Life Insurance Needs Change Over Time
As we grow older, it’s inevitable that our lives will change. Nothing stays the same and neither should your insurance. Your life insurance should reflect your lifestyle, cover your expenses and the payout should be available to the people in your life who need it the most.
So with this in mind, we can all agree that life insurance cover should never stay the same for the entirety of our lives, but how exactly does our need for insurance change over time? In this article, we will explain why you will need life insurance at each stage of your life, why you should be making changes to your policy as you get older, and how it can be done.
Read MoreInsurance Definitions vs Medical Definitions: Myths Busted
The fact that the definitions of medical conditions within life insurance contracts are sometimes different from the definitions used within the medical field has caused life insurers to come under a lot of scrutiny in recent times.
A large part of consumer’s suspicion when it comes to life insurance stems from the nation-wide lack of understanding about the industry. In fact, a survey of 1000+ people by showed that only 20% of people understand their life insurance policy.
So, what are the biggest myths when it comes to life insurance definitions?
Read More9 Health Myths Even You Thought Were True
In 2016, with so much health advice constantly circulating and ready to be plucked out of cyberspace with a thumb and a smartphone, it can be difficult to know what to believe. Often, it seems like you can “scientifically” justify any health and fitness choice as long as you search hard enough for the right information.
In this article, we shed a little light on some of the most common misconceptions about health. From old wives tales that have mutated into ill-informed Facebook posts, to the latest fitness fads, we’re debunking nine of the most pervasive myths of 2016
Read MoreWhat You Need to Know Before Comparing Life Insurance Policies
Are you in the market for a life insurance policy?
Looking for life insurance sure can seem daunting and we know how hard it can be to find the right policy for a good price, but getting covered and protecting your loved ones won’t be so tough if you’re well prepared.
By learning a little bit about what life insurance is all about and how it applies to your situation, you will be well equipped to compare all the options out there and find the policy that is right for you.
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